Long History, Brilliant Culture
Custom of New Year’s Greeting, Excellent Folk Tradition of Korean Nation

Custom of New Year’s Greeting, Excellent Folk Tradition of Korean Nation

Custom of New Year’s greeting took the name from the national traditions of the Korean people who respect elders and value etiquette.
New Year’s greeting was one of the important New Year events for the Korean people with high moral sense.
First, New Year’s greeting was given to the ancestors with the simple table at dawn.
Rice-cake soup should be on the table together with other dishes.
Then greeting was given to the elders, which was called New Year’s greeting.
The New Year’s greeting was given to the eldest of the elders, first of all, to elders of family and to elders of villages and to teachers.
It was normally done in New Year’s Day and it has been regarded as something courteous when it is given until before the fifteenth of January.