Friendship & Solidarity
Invincible Bulwark (6)

Invincible Bulwark (6)

Muhammed Ibrahim Ali
(continued from the last issue)
President Kim Il Sung’s Idea of Self-defence
Before leaving for the DPRK I asked the DPRK side to grant an honor of meeting His Excellency President Kim Il Sung, a resolute and great strategist and outstanding statesman, during our stay in DPRK. The meeting with the President was the unanimous desire of all the members of the delegation.
Several days have passed since the realization of the visit to the DPRK. However, there was no guarantee for the realization of our request. We were irritated with the passage of time.
Moreover I had a greater urge to meet His Excellency President Kim Il Sung after the visit to the Fatherland Liberation War Museum.
The museum shows shining feats and successes of the Korean people who won the great victory in the three-year-long Korean War (1950-1953) provoked by the U.S. imperialist aggressors.
It was difficult to understand at once how the young DPRK could win the war in which the armies of the US and its 16 satellite countries involved.
What is the secret behind the victory….
(continuation follows)