The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Invincible Revolutionary Armed Forces - Korean People’s Army
Invincible Revolutionary Armed Forces - Korean
People’s Army
On the occasion of the 75th founding anniversary of the Korean People’s Army (February 8, 1948) the Korean people with deep emotion look back upon the undying army-building exploits of President Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) who devoted his labors and mental efforts to the building and strengthening of the Juche-based regular armed forces.
The President put forward the Juche-oriented idea of building regular armed forces under the specific conditions of Korea after its liberation from the Japanese imperialist military occupation and regarded it as the top priority for the building of the regular armed forces to solve the problem of cadres to be hard core members of the armed forces.
Right after the liberation of the country he set up the Pyongyang school (November 1945), the first military and political school, and the Central Security Officers School that trains commanding officers and technical personnel of all branches of arms and special fields (July 1946) in the face of all difficulties.
First of all, he established Juche principle in military education.
In those days it was a common viewpoint that for the building of military school the teachers who graduated from world-famous military academies should be mobilized.
However, he sent anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters who were trained in the anti-Japanese armed struggle, not in military academies, and had considerable combat experiences to those schools as commanding officers and teachers so that they might teach the students military idea and tactics suitable for the specific conditions of the country.
He presented himself in the lectures of military schools to teach the students Juche-based strategy and tactics though he was busy with the heavy burden of building a new country.
At that time threat of aggression from US that occupied south Korea became undisguised. The President said it is possible to train competent military commanding officers in such a way of training them in the anti-Japanese armed struggle and changed the system of education of 3-4 years into that of one year.
Under his outstanding and energetic guidance the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea could declare the birth of the Korean People’s Army, regular revolutionary armed forces, on February 8, 1948 in less than 3 years after the liberation of Korea.
Today the KPA is holding in high esteem the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who is carrying forward the Juche-based army-building idea and exploits of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il as Supreme Commander of the armed forces of the Republic.
The KPA under his guidance has developed into invincible revolutionary armed forces with perfect nuclear attack capabilities to strike the US and other bases of aggression that threaten peace and security of the Korean peninsula and the rest of the world.
At the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un , stressing the importance of bolstering the nuclear force, made clear that our nuclear force considers it as the first mission to deter the war and safeguard the peace and stability and, however, if it fails to deter, it will carry out the second mission, which will not be for defense.