The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Even in Women’s Luxury Goods

Even in Women’s Luxury Goods

One day in December 2006 Chairman Kim Jong Il asked officials to make the jeweled hairpins liked by women in our country.
He told them that there was a great demand for hairpin among the women, there were workers who specialized in gem cutting in our country and so they would be able to make quality hairpin liked by our women without difficulties.
Later he took a step to preferentially supply equipment and materials necessary for the production of hairpin and gave several instructions on its quality and production quantity.
After all, various kinds of hairpins, beautiful in color and pattern could be produced.
One day in August 2007 while looking at the samples with officials he asked about the name of hairpin.
One of the officials said the hairpin was about to be named “Mindulle.” The Chairman was lost in thought for a while before saying it was good to name the brand of the hairpin “Cosmos”.