The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Visit to a Worker’s Family

Visit to a Worker’s Family

On June 1, 1984, President Kim Il Sung called on Frank Peter Schroeder’s family living in the flat No. 68, Bruno Reuschner Street, Marzahn District, Berlin.
While going round avenues in Berlin, he dropped in at the house of Schroeder, a worker of the then tool factory.
He made rounds of the living rooms before sitting down together with him and his wife.
The President inquired of him about the family members-how many they are, which factory they work, what they want their children to be and what benefits and aid granted by the state are.
When he was told by the couple that they had triplets, he said the family is a happy one, when they are at school, they can come to Korea for recreation together with their parents. He said he wants to see the triplets.
When the couple brought the triplets in their arms, he said he wants to hold one of them in his arms. After holding one of them in his arms and let the baby take a seat on his lap.
He asked the couple to train the triplets to be people of talent so that they could shoulder the future of the country and had a photo session with them.
And then the couple presented a toast and souvenir of their sincerity to the President.
The President gave the children the same gifts as the triplets of the DPRK are given.