DPRK Today
Women in DPRK Conduct Do-Good-Thing Movement

Women in DPRK Conduct
Do-Good-Thing Movement

In response to the decisions of the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, more than 113 000 women’s union officials and members took an active part in the mass movement in January, rendering assistance to various sectors of the national economy and showing their patriotic deeds.
Among them are over 60 000 women who gave material and moral assistance to metallurgical and chemical industrial sectors, twin pillars of self-supporting economy.
They sent a large amount of scrap iron they collected with their efforts and various kinds of tools and daily necessities to many factories and enterprises and gave helping hands and moral support to the workers through agitation at the production site.
They also sent to countryside the farming materials, farm implements and quality organic manure necessary for this year’s farming preparations. They encouraged the workers to increase production through active various good conduct movements in coal and ore mines.
The women in Pyongyang and other parts of the country showed their patriotic deeds for strengthening the national defenses and contributing to the economic life of the country and noble traits and virtue of taking care of war veterans, honored disabled soldiers, children of orphanages and baby farms with the care of their own flesh and blood.
The beautiful mental world and warm sincerity of the Korean women who dedicate themselves to the prosperity and development of the country with doing good things of their own accord are injecting vitality and vigor to the whole society vibrant with advance and leap forward.