DPRK Today
Twice Heroes of DPRK Recorded in History of War Victory

Twice Heroes of DPRK Recorded
in History of War Victory

Paek Myong Gi was born as a land tenant’s son in the preliberation days. He was bereaved of his mother at the age of five and worked as a farmhand of a landlord, suffering from all kinds of maltreatment and humiliation.
He led a worthy life in the liberated country and he achieved great heroic feats in the three-year-long war to defend the country.
In April 1951 he killed more than 300 enemies in the Mt. Samyong battle in Yanggu line by means of skillful commanding of the combat, thus defending the height to the last. He displayed fully his bravery and feats in many battles later which resulted to awarding the title of Hero of the DPRK two times.
The enemies dreaded him called “company commander like tiger.”