The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Unforgettable Meeting (1)

Unforgettable Meeting (1)

Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo
Former Chairman
Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea
It was mid-May 1993 when I visited Pyongyang.
It was beautiful spring season when there was a soft and moderate breeze and willows were nodding in the wind.
Cryptomeria, apricot trees, poplars and other street trees put on fresh green colors and the sky was blue and air was fresh.
A tense situation was prevailing in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, but streets in spring were calm and the people were proudly walking, their faces being serene.
In those days the former Soviet Union that had been advocating the progress of history as well as liberation of mankind as being the ideal of mankind, crumbled overnight. The red flag that had been flying at the top of the Kremlin for 70 years dissapeared and East European socialist countries collapsed in a row.
The U.S.-led world imperialists raised cheers and pounced upon the DPRK, the last bulwark of socialism, like hungry wolves.
A fierce nuclear showdown between the DPRK and U.S. began and the DPRK, with a do-or-die spirit, entered into a state of semiwar and declared the withdrawal from NPT.
Nobody could vouch when Stealth bombers of the U.S. imperialists and their “Tomahawk” cruise missiles would fly in. How could the streets be quiet and how could the people be calm in such a critical moment?
With each passing day I came to realize that all the Korean people were in full readiness yet standing strong no matter what happens.
(to be continued)