The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Viewpoint of People's Livelihood
Viewpoint of People's Livelihood
One day in May tens of years ago Chairman Kim Jong Il summoned an official to his office to acquaint himself with the supply of vegetables to Pyongyang citizens.
After hearing the report from the official, he asked him how the data was collected.
When he was told that the data was collected by relevant organ, he asked him again about his making rounds of vegetable shops in the city.
The official told the Chairman that he visited only some shops located in main districts. The Chairman said, if you sitting in office collected figures from a lower unit and made rounds of some nearby shops, you could not grasp actual situation. He pointed out that through the actual conditions of the supply of vegetables he was able to know how our offiicials were concerned about the people's living. He asked the official not to see only the data from the lower unit but to acquaint himself with the specific conditions of the supply of vegetables.
The official visited vegetable shops in several districts and farms without the loss of time to acquaint himself with the supply of vegetables and informed the Chairman of the realities.
Then the Chairman said, why do we make revolution, we make revolution for the betterment of the people's living, although the Party shapes a just and correct policy, it is impossible to properly solve the problem of people's living when officials fail to have correct viewpoint.