The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Founder of WPK

Founder of WPK

President Kim Il Sung who embarked upon the road of revolution in his teens in order to liberate the country and people from the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists convened Kalun meeting in June 1930 to put forward the Juche-based line of the Korean revolution and indicated the unique way of founding a revolutionary party.
What was important here was to found the party independently by setting up fully prepared basic party organizations and then steadily expanding them and closely link preparations for forming a party with the struggle against the Japanese imperialists.
He formed the Society for Rallying Comrades, the first party organisation composed of young communists of new generation early in July 1930.
Following the formation of the party committee of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army the system of leadership over the party organisations at all levels was established and therefore the party leadership to the overall Korean revolution was realized. Also, the organizational backbone for party founding was trained on a large scale and unity and cohesion of the party ranks was consolidated as firm as a rock.
He, basing himself on the successes and experiences gained in the party building during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, stepped up the work of founding the party right after the liberation of Korea on August 15, 1945.
President Kim Il Sung founded the Workers’ Party of Korea on October 10, 1945. The WPK had the fighters trained in the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle as the core and consisted of communists active in different areas of the country.
With the foundation of the WPK the Korean people could have their reliable vanguard unit and triumphantly hew out their destiny. After all, a new era of changes of the century was opened in Korea.