DPRK Today
Generous Woman
Generous Woman
Some days ago an old man in Songbuk-Dong, Moranbong District, entered a bookshop with his grandchild in order to buy a picture book.
His grandchild was very delighted to see the new picture book and the old man started to find the bag. But he failed and he couldn’t understand when and where he lost it.
The passing hours added to the anxiety of the old man. He tried to inform the family members of it, but the purse was lost with the hand phone in it.
(Hurry caused a serious trouble.)
The old man wandered from place to place but finally returned home with a heavy step.
In the evening a young lady came to his house.
The remarks of the young woman who gave the purse greatly moved all the family members.
“How you were impatient after losing the purse. Please look into the purse if everything is in it.”
The old man and his family members were so grateful to her and asked her to come into the room.
But she refused to do so. They repeatedly asked who she was and her address. But she said that she did what everyone did, and left home.
Later the old man and his family members came to know that she was Pak Myong Sun living at People’s Neighborhood 23 in Songbuk-Dong, Moranbong District.