Friendship & Solidarity
Seminars Held in Many Countries to Mark 63rd Anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s Start of Guidance on the Revolutionary Armed forces

Seminars Held in Many Countries to Mark 63rd
Anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s Start of
Guidance on the Revolutionary Armed forces

Seminars took place in Nepal and Belorussia on August 20 and 21 to mark the 63rd anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s start of guidance on the revolutionary armed forces. Speeches were made at the seminar attended by personages of political and public circles of those countries.
The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Nepal (Marxism-Leninism) and personages of the Nepali Committee for the Promotion of Korea’s Reunification and the Nepalese Association for Songun Policy highly praised the military guidance exploits of Kim Jong Il, saying that August 25, 1960, is a significant day to the progressives who love global peace and justice and advocate independence.
The chief of the Group for Solidarity with DPRK in Belarus stressed as follows.
The Korean People’s Army under the wise guidance of Comrade Kim Jong Il not only reliably defended the gains of revolution but also played the role of the main force in various fields of socialist construction.
Korea, led by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who is creditably carrying forward the revolutionary cause of great President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, is fully demonstrating the mightiness of world-famous military power.
Today it is confidently advancing along the road of socialism in the face of all provocations of imperialists.
The seminar held in Nepal adopted a congratulatory message to General Secretary Kim Jong Un.