Friendship & Solidarity
European Regional Forum for Friendship, Exchange and Solidarity with Korean People Held in Britain
European Regional Forum for Friendship,
Exchange and Solidarity with Korean People
Held in Britain
A European regional forum for friendship, exchange and solidarity with the Korean people, “75 Years of Juche Korea”, was held in London from September 2 to 9 to celebrate the 75th founding anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
A photo of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was displayed on the website, specially opened for the forum.
Also posted on it were works of President Kim Il Sung , Chairman Kim Jong Il and the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un , books and poems written by foreign personages in reverence for the peerlessly great men, videos showing the happy Korean children, and written speeches and congratulatory letters from personages and organizations of different countries, the African Regional Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People and the Arab Regional Committee to the forum.
Attending the forum directly or through video-conferencing were progressive political parties and organizations of Britain and members of organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people in more than 20 countries including Russia, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Austria and Poland, and personages of the Korean Friendship Association and Group for International Solidarity with the DPRK.
The chairman of the Sweden-Korea Friendship Association made a keynote report at the forum. Then speeches were made by the chairperson of the Permanent Standing Committee of the Belarus National Association of Friends of Korean People Named after Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il , the chairman of the Norway-Korea Friendship Association, the organizational secretary of the Korean Friendship Association UK, the chief of its Staffordshire Branch, the secretary general of the Switzerland-Korea Committee, vice-chairperson of the Paektusan Czech-Korea Friendship Association, chairperson of the Association to Facilitate the Development of Commercial, Industrial and Cultural Project France-DPRK, the chief of the German branch of the International Solidarity Group with the DPRK, chairperson of the Belgium-Korea Friendship Association, chairperson of the Croatia-Korea Friendship Association and others.
A congratulatory message to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was adopted at the forum.
There were colorful events, including “Evening of Korean film” and “Evening of Korean literature and poem”, during the forum.