DPRK Today
More than 10 000 Farm Machines Produced, Sent to Farms in Everywhere
More than 10 000 Farm Machines Produced,
Sent to Farms in Everywhere
The pictures show more than 10 000 farm machines, including all sorts of harvesters, thrashers and sowing machines, produced by factories and enterprises in the munitions industry and machine-building industry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
It looks like the sea of farm machines, indeed.
The machines were recently sent to farms across the country seething with harvesting, thrashing, sowing of winter wheat and barley seeds.
The scene of this year following that of last year is the shining fruition of the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea to cover the all farm villages of the whole country with modern farm machines produced by ourselves and to bring about a new sight of the socialist countryside where the agricultural workers do farming with the help of modern farm machines.
The buzzing sound of the farm machines is the solemn prelude to the birth of the great era in which localities turn according to bright blueprint of the WPK’s program of rural construction in the new era.