Long History, Brilliant Culture
“Honchonjondo”, an Astronomical Chart Created by Korean Nation Registered as UNESCO World Heritage

“Honchonjondo”, an Astronomical Chart
Created by Korean Nation Registered
as UNESCO World Heritage

“Honchonjondo”, an astronomical chart of Korea, was registered as UNESCO world heritage in May 2023.
An astronomical chart is the another name of a drawing of constellations.
“Honchonjondo” is an astronomical chart that shows the development of astronomy of Korea in the 18th century.
It means “a drawing of the whole sky”. It is a paper with the drawing of stars in night sky by means of projection method. It recorded astronomical phenomena with illustrations and astronomical constants.
The chart is composed of the development of astronomy pertaining to Tangun Korea. Introduced in it is a scrap of information of the astronomy of the West developed till the first half of the 18th century.
The astronomical contents of the chart are the valuable heritage of Korea which shows the development of the then astronomy as well as a national treasure enriching the treasure house of astronomy in the East.
The chart is preserved at the Grand People’s Study House in the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
The chart associated with the wisdom and resourcefulness of the Korean nation was registered as UNESCO world heritage, which is a shining fruition of the policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea on preserving national cultural heritage and another significant occasion that adds to the national pride and honor of the Korean people.