The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Immortal Great Program to Be Recorded in History of Building Revolutionary Party of Juche
Immortal Great Program to Be Recorded
in History of Building Revolutionary
Party of Juche
General Secretary Kim Jong Un paid a congratulatory visit to the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers’ Party of Korea(WPK), the highest institute for training party cadres, on October 17, 2022, on the occasion of the significant day when the “Down-with-Imperialism Union”, the origin of the revolution and the glorious historic root of the WPK, was formed and gave a historic lecture to be noteworthy in the strengthening and development of the WPK on the subject of “On the Orientation of Building of Our Party in the New Era and the Tasks of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers’ Party of Korea”.
In the lecture he said that over the last ten years the WPK has valuable achievements in the Party building, but it was necessary to more powerfully push ahead with the modeling of the whole Party on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism on a new higher stage. He newly indicated the political, organizational, ideological, discipline, style of work building as the orientation of building the Party in the new era.
The orientation of party building in the new era brightly indicates the path of consolidating the organizational and ideological foundations of the Party in every way and building the WPK into a powerful political general staff of the revolution, highly-efficient iron-willed vanguard rank and genuine motherly party.
Following the indication of the new five-point party building orientation, the WPK came to have new guidelines to hold fast to the idea and resolution made in the first days of its foundation and giving constant display to them.
While carrying heavy tasks of socialist construction in reliance upon the strength of the popular masses, the WPK directs particularly great efforts to the embodiment of the Juche-based viewpoint of people and popular philosophy whose hardcore is the unconditional service to the people in its activities.
The idea of upholding the people, the slogan “Everything for the people and everything by relying on them!” and the call for devotedly working for the people are the intensive expression of the WPK’s noble viewpoint of the people and mandatory creed for all the Party organisations and officials in their work and activities.
Now the WPK gives top precedence to the will and demands of the people, their interests and convenience in shaping and executing all the policies and in this process the serve-the-people spirit of the Party organisations and workers has been fully enhanced.
The Korean people call the WPK that was born, exists for the good of the people and devotedly works for them, a genuine motherly party and people’s party and wholly entrust their destiny and future upon it.