Friendship & Solidarity
Russian Newspaper Carried An Article on Mother’s Day

Russian Newspaper Carried
An Article on Mother’s Day

Russian newspaper Rossiskaya Gazeta on Nov. 16 carried an article titled “Mother’s Day is celebrated in the DPRK”.
November 16 is commemorated in the DPRK as Mother’s Day.
This holiday was instituted in 2012 to pay high tribute to all mothers of the DPRK
The whole country is filled with a festive mood on the occasion of Mother’s Day.
Happy people can be seen everywhere congratulating their mothers, presenting bouquets and souvenirs.
Art performances are given for women in cities and villages.
Mother’s Day is celebrated in many countries of the world but the DPRK is one of a few countries that instituted this holiday at the state level.
DPRK has some peculiar customs.
The National Meeting of Mothers is held on the occasion of the Mother’s Day participated by the mothers with a brood of children, kindergarteners, labor innovators and the wives of military men.
In the DPRK children also live under the loving care of their parents and the State.
What we may say confidently is that the social conditions provided by the DPRK for the promotion of the health of children are very advanced.