The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Unforgettable Meeting (4)

Unforgettable Meeting (4)

Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo, Former Chairman
Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea
I told the President of the foundation of the Guinean party and its struggle for the realisation of the party programme.
I was on a tiptoe of excitement and gave a long-winded explanation for 45 minutes, but the President never rebuked him for his behaviour.
When I stopped talking, the President said, how to push ahead with the struggle against the hostile forces on the eve of the presidential election in your country is very important as it is a matter of policy.
And he added, we will meet your request to train party workers in our country and give a helping hand to you in the work to set up a party school.
I was greatly moved by his words and expressed thanks for this. It was not easy to make a promise to giving a helping hand to other when the situation of the DPRK got serious with the “ nuclear issue”.
A saying of man of old times that everyone is a friend, but there is no true friend and a friend in need is a friend indeed, came swiftly to me. I thought that there is no such a man in the world as President Kim Il Sung who helps his friend heart and soul.
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