The great persons of Mt. Paektu
On Top of Mt. Paektu in the Blizzards
On Top of Mt. Paektu in the Blizzards
One day in April 2015 the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un climbed Mt. Paektu together with the pilots of the Korean People’s Army.
On reaching its summit in the rattling wind, he told the accompanying officials that now the pilots are climbing Mt. Paektu in the howling blizzards and they should experience such a difficult march so that they might know how bitter the arduous march covered by the anti-Japanese fighters was.
He went on to say, they should speed up their march and if they knew that he was on the summit of Mt Paektu to take a photo session with them they would climb Mt Paektu with redoubled courage.
Later, he greeted the pilots who arrived at the summit of the mountain with the streaming red flags in their hands and said he was very glad to see them in the mountain and today was a significant day, indeed.
Saying that to take a photo session with him altogether there, he added as follows: Today, in climbing Mt Paektu, we experienced the severity of its blizzards. The blizzards of Paektu, the severe snowstorms of the mountain, are symbolic of the revolutionary fortitude of Paektu. Only when one climbs Mt Paektu in the midst of a blinding snowstorm to experience the blizzards of Paektu at first hand can one appreciate the real “feel” and harden one’s determination to carry out the Korean revolution. Revolutionaries should have a “feel” of the blizzards of Paektu.