The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Unforgettable Meeting (7)

Unforgettable Meeting (7)

Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo, Former Chairman
Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea

After a while the President called us to have a lunch together with him and took us to the table. At the table he continued to gave valuable instructions.
Referring to the single-hearted unity of the leader, Party and the masses, he explained in plain language comparing it to a peach.
He said, while clamoring about so-called “democracy”, the imperialists impose “multi-party system” and pressed for “polycentrism” in a bid to disperse forces and encourage them to fight against one another. The socialist countries in east Europe accepted what was imposed by the imperialists and in the long run, they were ruined, the party should be made like a peach, when the leader, the party and the masses are represented by a peach, the popular masses is the flesh, the party is the stone and the leader is the egg.
The leader, the party and the masses should be united like the peach, he said.
An idea ran through his mind that he came from Guinea where a peach tree did not grow and so he called for bringing a mango. Some minutes later an official took a mango to the President. Holding it in his hand, the President said, it is of no use to get united without the centre like a mango of Africa with only a big seed in it. (to be continued)