The great persons of Mt. Paektu
One day in December 2006 Chairman Kim Jong Il asked an official to make a jeweled hairpin women like to have in our country.
Noting that there was an increasing demand of women for the hairpin, he said that now that there were workers specialized in jewelry in our country, it would be possible to make quality hairpins that suit the tastes of our women.
Later, he took a step for the preferential provision of equipment and materials needed for the production of hairpins and gave instructions concerning inspection of quality and output several times.
This was how various kinds of beautiful hairpins, fancy items of women, were manufactured.
One day in August 2007 he examined the sample together with the officials and asked about the name of the hairpin.
When an official said that he planned to name the hairpin “Mindulle”, Chairman Kim Jong Il thought of the better name of it for a while.
Then, he said that it would be better to call the hairpin “Cosmos” rather than “Mindulle”.