The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Unforgettable Meeting (8)
Unforgettable Meeting (8)
Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo, Former Chairman Parliamentary
Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea
Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea
He went on to say, our country which has achieved single-hearted unity of the leader, the Party and the masses is prepared for any threats from the US scoundrels.
I looked up to the President’s shining eyes who said with pride and came to know what was the true meaning of the world press declaring that the earth turns on the axis of the DPRK owing to the crustal deformation of our planet. I was greatly moved again.
And then the President said, not only a hammer and sickle symbolizing the workers and farmers but also a brush symbolizing the intellectuals form the Party's emblem, some east European countries regard intellectuals as wavering elements since they have knowledge, but I regard them as the forces building up the Party with the knowledge, not wavering elements. He referred to the role of the intellectuals in the building of a new society.
(to be continued)