DPRK Today
True Patriots (11)

True Patriots (11)

The man seen in the picture is Kim Yong Hun, a pit manager of Samchong Mine of the Sangwon Cement Complex, who volunteered to work at the mine in hearty response to the call of the Party to go to difficult and toilsome fields scores of years ago.
He was unaccustomed to his job at first, but made strenuous efforts to gain the fame as an innovator who unconditionally carried out his daily quota, come what may. He grew up to be a leading official of the mine through a platoon leader and company commander from a tunneling worker under the deep trust of the organization and collective.
He was awarded high official commendations and the order for several times.
With a view to repaying the loving care and trust of the Party and the State, he worked well for the technical knowledge and skills of coal miners while pushing ahead with production and pit building so as to produce scores of skilled workers.
He did not fail to carry out the production plan of the pit every year with burning heart of patriotism. He set the goal of increasing more thousands of tons of coal for 2015 and worked hard to attain it so as to make great contributions to making the complex overpass the highest production year in the production of cement. He was awarded the title of Merited Coal Miner in February 2016.
He still devotedly works at an underground cutting face.