The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Ever-developing DPRK-RUSSIA Friendship Relations

Ever-developing DPRK-RUSSIA
Friendship Relations

In April 2019 General Secretary Kim Jong Un had the historic first meeting with Russian President Putin in Vladivostok. From September 12 to 17 last year he visited the Russian Federation to further develop the DPRK-Russia relations into invincible comrade-in-arms relations and long-lasting strategic relations.
The historic meeting and talks that he had with Putin was an event that further put the traditional and strategic DPRK-Russia friendship and cooperation and good-neighborhood relations onto a higher level and powerfully encouraged the just struggle for the independence against imperialism.
Throughout the journey from Hassan, the border station, he enjoyed deep respect and reverence from the Russian leadership and people. The world people were struck with admiration at the greatness of General Secretary Kim Jong Un, the great master of modern politics and were also deeply impressed by the international prestige and influence of our Republic which fosters new dynamic relations and promotes important changes in world politics.