• Pyongyang International
    Cultural Exchange Society

    5th foundation
    Exchange between writers ...
    Book writting assistance ...
  • Pyongyang International
    Cultural Exchange Society

    5th foundation
    Exhibition or Fair ...
    Cultural exchange ...
the 8th Asian Children’s Drawing Exhibition

Happy smile of the children

Pyongyang International Cultural Exchange Society

The Pyongyang International Cultural Exchange Society (PICES) was founded in Pyongyang on October 18, 2017, with the aim of giving wide publicity to the time-honored history, culture and traditions of Korea and developing cultural exchange and cooperation with organizations and individual personages of different countries, thus contributing to the development of human culture and the building of a just and peaceful new world.

The PICES is a nonprofit social organization which realizes cultural exchanges with organizations and personages of different countries and regions of the world.

The PICES works with relative independence in the territory of the DPRK.

The Headquarters of the PICES is seated in Pyongyang, DPRK.

PICES hopes international exchange of photos ...

If you are interested in exchange of photos with us ...

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