DPRK Today
Over 40 Certificates of Academic Degrees and Titles of Brother-and-Sister Sevensome

Over 40 Certificates of Academic Degrees and
Titles of Brother-and-Sister Sevensome

Kim Sun, a researcher of the State Academy of Sciences, has six brothers and sisters.
His father is an academician, professor and doctor. Among his brothers and sisters are three professors and doctors and two masters. And there are one professor and doctor and one doctor and three masters at his eldest sister’s family.
Among his family and relatives are more than 20 people with academic degrees or titles. Their certificates of academic degrees and titles number over 40.
We were all surprised to see it.
Kim Sun told us the following story.
His father was one of the first persons with academic degrees and titles in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
It happened when Kim Sun was about to visit an European country.
His father asked Kim Sun, his son, to meet and convey his regards to a scientist of a country with whom he had formed a warm friendship during an international academic seminar.
But he was very surprised when he met the scientist, well-known before but now selling tickets at botanical garden.
He added that he and his six brothers and sisters were all persons of academic degrees and titles because they live under the generous socialist system, not because they were all clever.