The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Unforgettable Meeting (3)
Unforgettable Meeting (3)
Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo
Former Chairman
Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea
At the meeting room the President offered each of us a seat and first inquired after President Lansana Conte, his friend. And then he said that President Lansana Conte visited the DPRK last year on the occasion of his 80th birthday, he had talks with President Lansana Conte at that time but he still remembered the meeting.
I conveyed the personal letter from President Lansana Conte to President Kim Il Sung and said as follows:
“The presidential election will soon be held in our country. His Excellency President Lansana Conte asked me to say of the political situation of our Guinea on the eve of the election. And he asked me to convey his thanks to Your Excellency President Kim Il Sung for offering an opportunity to his sons and cousins to study in your country and providing a lot of aids to our country. He earnestly hopes that your country will defend national independence, safeguard the security and peace of the country and reunify the country without the interference of outside forces.
President Kim Il Sung expressed thanks for this and said that it is necessary to continuously develop the good relations between the Guinean party and the Workers’ Party of Korea. (continuation follows)