DPRK Today
An Old Couple and Their Family

An Old Couple and Their Family

There was a knock at the door of the house of a war veteran living in Inhung No. 2-Dong, Moranbong District, Pyongyang.
“Your daughters are here.” said by the women entering the room, who were Kim Kyong Hui from the office of the dong, the chief of the neighborhood unit and other neighbors.
The old man and woman were greatly moved to see them entered the house saying that the visit of daughters to their parents was quite normal on holiday.
They often visit them and take care of them with the loving care of their own flesh and blood. Among them are a barber and also the party workers who often visit them with utmost care.
Those who often visit the old couple to look after their life, saying that they are war veterans and revolutionary seniors are the one family with them.