Long History, Brilliant Culture
Kimhwadang Elm Tree

Elm Tree

Kimhwadang elm tree is a valuable and beautiful living monument in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
The tree grew for more than 500 years in the township of Kim Hwa County, Kangwon Province.
Its height is 21m, the circumferences of its root neck 5.7m and the chest-high trunk 5.2m high and the width of tree crown about 22m.
At the height of 4.5m of the tree the first branches spread to the south, at the height of 7m the second ones to the west and at 10m height the third ones to the south.
The tree has 12 branches in all.
The tree, a long-grown one, adds to the landscape of the place and is of weighty importance in academic study.
It enriches to the treasure house of the national cultural heritance boasting of its youth.