The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Seat Number 28 in Fourth Row
Seat Number 28 in Fourth Row
There is a people’s theatre called together with the people such as People’s Palace of Culture and Grand People’s Study House in Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
On April 10, 2012, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un made a round of the people’s theatre nearing the completion. He told the accompanying officials that the people’s theatre is a gift given by Chairman Kim Jong Il to the people on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung . He said that the Chairman while alive said that a performance would be given to open the theatre on April 15 after the completion of the theatre. Noting that there will be many national functions on April 15, he saw to it that the opening performance should be played on April 17.
Saying that the theatre is satisfactory and wonderful, he gave high appreciation of the efforts of designers. Suddenly he stopped walking in front of the main stand.
He said the Chairman in his life did not allow privilege and special favor, when he comes to the theatre to see the performance he will take the same seat as the one for people. He told the officials to remove the main stand.
A few days later he took a seat number 28 in the fourth row, one of the ordinary 1 500 seats, so as to see the opening performance.