179 materials are searched
Each Country Has Its Own Way of Eating Food 2023-11-2843150Each Country Has Its Own Way of Eating Food … Each country has its own way of eating food. Some use spoon and others fork and chopsticks and some hands. So everyone should not be enforced to use fork. This is part of the conversation that President
Kim Il Sung had with a pa... -
His Noble View on the People 2023-11-2346470His Noble View on the People In September 2020 the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un gave on-site guidance to the rehabilitation and construction in the flood-damaged Taechong-ri, Unpha County. He said for our Party that believes in the people as in heaven and regards them as the roots of ... -
Unforgettable Meeting (3) 2023-11-2148061Unforgettable Meeting (3) Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo Former Chairman Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea At the meeting room the President offered each of us a seat and first inquired after President Lansana Conte, his friend. And then he said that Presi...
Honor of A Woman Scientist 2023-11-1848501Honor of A Woman Scientist Among the scientists who lead a worthy life under the great love of the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un is a woman at the fisheries machine laboratory of Pyongyang University of Mechanical Engineering. She had an honor of meeting the respected ComradeKim Jong Un a... -
“Girl Mother” He Recalled 2023-11-1541220“Girl Mother” He Recalled The respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un made rounds of the newly-built Youth Movement Museum on January 19, 2016. Abruptly he stopped walking in front of a photo hung on the wall of the corridor on the third floor. The photo showed the picture that he met wi... -
Mother’s Day in DPRK 2023-11-1446160Mother’s Day in DPRK November 16 is the Mother’s Day in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un saw to it that November 16 was instituted as the Mother’s Day when PresidentKim Il Sung (1912-1994) delivered a significant speech &... -
Padded Winter Clothes and Gloves 2023-11-1241702Padded Winter Clothes and Gloves It was on the evening of October 9 2016. The respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un who was on discussion with the officials about some important matters, said that the recent temperature in the northern border area of North Hamgyong Province was decre... -
Emergency Task for Flight 2023-11-0943971Emergency Task for Flight On the evening of February 9, 2014 a leading official of the then Koryo Air General Bureau unexpectedly received a call from the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un . He said that there is a sudden task for flight for organizing the flight to send the delegates of ... -
Seat Number 28 in Fourth Row 2023-11-0352752Seat Number 28 in Fourth Row There is a people’s theatre called together with the people such as People’s Palace of Culture and Grand People’s Study House in Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. On April 10, 2012, the respected C...
Unforgettable Meeting (2) 2023-10-2746473Unforgettable Meeting (2) Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo Former Chairman Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea The Korean people were convinced that when they follow the instruction of President
Kim Il Sung their future would be crowned with only vict... -
Fairest Appraisal 2023-10-2544811Fairest Appraisal In June 2013 the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un while in Changsong County for on-site guidance called in at Changsong Restaurant. He asked the officials to keep working well, not being content with their successes. At Dining Room No. 1 on the ground floor, he said looking ... -
Great Leader (10) 2023-10-1636671(continued from the last issue) Great Leader (10) Pierre Ndje What a lucky person I am who had an honor of meeting with President
Kim Il Sung the greatest in the world. In the airplane flying back home I shouted from the bottom of my heart: long live the g... -
Even With Mobilization of Gun Carriages 2023-10-1612260Even With Mobilization of Gun Carriages One day in December 1951 President
Kim Il Sung summoned an official to the office room of the supreme command. He told the official that the people in Kangwon Province suffered from the shortage of salt and he felt very sorry for the report. Even tho... -
WPK, Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party 2023-10-1244331WPK, Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party On April 6, 2012 the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un said, today our Party and revolution press for holding fast to Kimilsungism-kimjongilism as the eternal guiding idea, we should push ahead with the party building and activities, regarding Kimilsun... -
As a Motherly Party Serving the People 2023-10-0644293As a Motherly Party Serving the People The Workers’ Party of Korea has developed into an invincible party leading the cause of socialism along the road of victory, enjoying absolute trust and support of the people. The credit for this goes to Chairman
Kim Jong Il with political idea o... -
Founder of WPK 2023-10-0643646Founder of WPK President
Kim Il Sung who embarked upon the road of revolution in his teens in order to liberate the country and people from the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists convened Kalun meeting in June 1930 to put forward the Juche-based line of the Korean revolution and ind... -
Viewpoint of People's Livelihood 2023-10-0548370Viewpoint of People's Livelihood One day in May tens of years ago Chairman
Kim Jong Il summoned an official to his office to acquaint himself with the supply of vegetables to Pyongyang citizens. After hearing the report from the official, he asked him how the data was coll... -
It Was the Day of Party Founding Anniversary 2023-10-0235250It Was the Day of Party Founding Anniversary It happened in the early morning of October 10, 1946, when President
Kim Il Sung gave on-the-spot guidance to Sakju Country, North Phyongan Province. The adjutant fetched the refreshing water from the spring for the President who sat up again al... -
Be Infinitely Honest and Diligent to the People 2023-10-0242251Be Infinitely Honest and Diligent to the People The respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un at the Second Meeting of Secretaries of Primary Party Committees of the Workers’ Party of Korea held at the end of February, 2022, said, there will be no change in the goal of our Party that wants to... -
Historic Long Voyage for Korea-Russia Friendship 2023-09-2945001Historic Long Voyage for Korea-Russia Friendship Chairman
Kim Jong Il visited the Siberia and Far Eastern Region of Russian Federation in August 2011, last period of his life. His visit was a historic long voyage that gave a fresh energy to the development of the traditional DPRK-Russia re...