179 materials are searched
Height of Korea (1) 2024-04-0340065Height of Korea (1) Rabeloussonne Ortanse, Former Memeber of the Political Bureau of Revolutionary Vanguard I am a woman politician of Madagascar, an island country on the Indian Ocean. How come I admired and looked up to the Democratic People’s Republi...
Task Undertaken By Himself 2024-04-0131252Task Undertaken By Himself In July 2012 the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un visited again the Kyongsang Kindergarten in less than two months. He made rounds of the rooms built in conformity with the mentality of the children. At an education room he acquainted himself with the temperatur... -
New Scenery 2024-03-3028580New Scenery In December 2016 the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un visited airport building No.1 of the Pyongyang International Airport. He made rounds of various places of the building and expressed great satisfaction over the successful completion of the building. At that time an offici... -
Unforgettable Meeting (10) 2024-03-2938001Unforgettable Meeting( 10) (continued) Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo, Former Chairman Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea The President told us of a story of a progressive U.S. pastor’ s visit to Pyongyang last year. When the...
Comrade-in-arms, Woman Doctor of Romania 2024-03-2644673Comrade-in-arms, Woman Doctor of Romania Woman doctor of Romania called Cornelia Peunesku is a well-known foreign doctor who gave medical treatment to over 3 500 Koreans (more than 270 of them had operations from her) at the front and in the rear under the shower of machine-gun bullets duri...
Teacher of Fidel 2024-03-2538542Teacher of Fidel Fidel Castro who visited the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the head of the party and government delegation of the Republic of Cuba in March 1986 said to President
Kim Il Sung , “ComradeKim Il Sung already started a struggle against the Japanese imperi... -
Unforgettable Meeting(9) 2024-03-1941827Unforgettable Meeting(9) (continued) Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo, Former Chairman Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea He told me of an episode that a head of state of an east European socialist country left during his visi...
Kreisky Who Was Able to Ski Again 2024-03-1443482Kreisky Who Was Able to Ski Again Bruno Kreisky, who was once the prime minister of Austria, was a well-known bourgeois politician of the West. One day his legs were paralyzed due to incurable disease. In order to cure the disease he called a lot of famous physicians across the world, but ...
Unforgettable Meeting (8) 2024-03-1143441Unforgettable Meeting (8) (continued) Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo,Former ChairmanParliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea He went on to say, our country which has achieved single-hearted unity of the leader, the Party and the masses is prepared for any threa...
Unforgettable Meeting (7) 2024-03-0744021Unforgettable Meeting (7) (continued) Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo, Former Chairman Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea After a while the President called us to have a lunch together with him and took us to the table. At the table he continued t...
“Cosmos” 2024-03-0541802“Cosmos” One day in December 2006 Chairman
Kim Jong Il asked an official to make a jeweled hairpin women like to have in our country. Noting that there was an increasing demand of women for the hairpin, he said that now that there were workers specialized in jewelry in our coun... -
Even in One National Dish 2024-02-2746443Even in One National Dish Chairman
Kim Jong Il visited a national dish fairground on June 24, 2004. When he made a round of the fairground, his special attention was paid to Sinsollo. He said, Sinsollo presented to the show looked good and delicious, Sinsollo is a dish pertaining to... -
Unforgettable Meeting (6) 2024-02-2642541Unforgettable Meeting (6) ( continued) Tierno Alliu Binire Diallo, Former Chairman Parliamentary Group of the United and Progressive Party of Guinea The President went on to say, for your party to keep power it is necessary to strengthen it as ...
Even in Sultry Weather 2024-02-2245792Even in Sultry Weather The respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un gave on-the-spot guidance to a bag factory in July 2018. He made rounds of various places of the factory. At the sample room he held a school bag for primary student in his hand and touched the surface of a picture on the front ... -
School Bag and Patriotism 2024-02-1944285School Bag and Patriotism One day in January 2017 the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un visited Pyongyang Bag Factory. He made rounds of the various places of the factory. He smiled, saying that when bag factories were built in all provinces to turn out school bags, we would provide our ch... -
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Eternal Guiding Idea of WPK 2024-02-1542514Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Eternal Guiding Idea of WPK On April 6, 2012, the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un had a talk with the leading officials of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea(WPK). He said, for the distinguished feats of ChairmanKim Jong Il who developed and... -
For the People 2024-02-1340935For the People On May 1, 2002, the great leader Comrade
Kim Jong Il visited the command of the Navy of the Korean People’s Army and appreciated the art performance given by the dependents of military personnel. Seeing the performance he repeatedly appreciated it and sometimes he was ... -
At the Fishing Place of Mupho 2024-02-1238790At the Fishing Place of Mupho One day in Autumn 1971 Chairman
Kim Jong Il giving on-the-spot guidance to Ryanggang Province, went to the fishing place together with the officials in Mupho. The officials fished one after another, but he was given to speculation. He did not see at all that tro... -
With Affection for Servicepersons 2024-02-0943941With Affection for Servicepersons One day in August 2012 the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un said that he wanted to visit Mu Islet next day. The moment, the officiers tried to dissuade him from going there. Mu islet was so dangerous as it was very close to the enemy. At that time he said th... -
On Top of Mt. Paektu in the Blizzards 2024-02-0743201On Top of Mt. Paektu in the Blizzards One day in April 2015 the respected Comrade
Kim Jong Un climbed Mt. Paektu together with the pilots of the Korean People’s Army. On reaching its summit in the rattling wind, he told the accompanying officials that now the pilots are cl...