The elderlies, children, patients with underlying disease, or ones that have just undergone surgery, can be easily infected with the malignant virus, so their immunity needs to be raised.First, one should exercise regularly.At seasons with high morbidity rate, one should develop the immunity system at home by doing regular exercises such as running on the spot, play shuttlecock game, do leg-lifts and sit-ups and etc.Second, nutritional balance must be ensured.Nutritional balance must be ensured for those who may be prone to malignant virus infections.It is important to have healthy food with less snacks and get rid of the habits of having unbalanced and disordered diets to maintain the nutritional balance.Third, one should have enough sleep.Sufficient sleep not only eliminates fatigue, but also controls the function of the cerebrum and internal organs and enhances the immunity of the human body.Therefore, those who can be easily infected must ensure good sleep.Fourth, one should have vitamin C.