Unified Plan for 2023 Discussed
The Red Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK RCS) had a consultative meeting concerning the unified plan for the year 2023 on August 2022.Present the consultative meeting, held several times, were leading officials of the DPRK RCS and staffs of relevant departments.
Reviewed there were successes and deviation and lessons. Discussed were plan, priorities and budget for the next year.The DPRK RCS, considering the experience and lessons drawn from the past, concentrates on enhancing the capacity to play its role satisfactorily both in peacetime and emergency situations in the implementation of Strategy 2030.It is the steadfast will of the DPRK RCS to contribute to the Strategy 2030 by successfully implementing the unified plan for the year 2023 in close cooperation with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies as in the past.