
Planet at a Seething Point

Many places of the world are suffering from the damages caused by high temperature.
In a village in northwestern China the temperature rose up to 52.2℃.
In Kyoto, Japan dozens of people were carried to hospital from heatstroke and in many areas of Europe the highest record of temperature is said renewed.
Some parts of Mexico had a record of 50℃ for two weeks of June making a total death toll of a hundred from heat stroke and hypo hydration, and the continued drought in the horn area of Africa produced 2.7 million of refugees.
Recently a study result was published the increasing greenhouse gas density caused the rise of temperature up to 2.5℃ in Europe, 2℃ in North America and 1℃ in China.
Scientists concluded that this year’s rise of temperature has been a result of El Niño, but much more than that the main cause came from the increase of greenhouse gas, a warning that unless there is any decrease, the frequency of the onset of heat wave will further increase.
Saying that the world climate was running up to the point of a terrible catastrophe, experts make a point of every country need taking urgent measures for stopping global warming.
It is predicted that the intense heat will occur US$ 3 trillion economic losses worldwide this year.