National Flag-hoisting Ceremony Marks New Year 2023
A national flag-hoisting ceremony was solemnly held atSquare in Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on January 1, Juche 112 (2023). Kim Il Sung Square was crowded with Pyongyangites to greet the historic moment when the national flag would be hoisted. Kim Il Sung At 00:00 sharp, a bell tolled the start of the New Year and melodies of the immortal revolutionary hymns “Song of General” and “Song of General Kim Il Sung ” echoed through the sky above the capital city. Kim Jong Il A worker, farmer, intellectual, youth and schoolchild politely hoisted up the national flag amid the solemn playing of the national anthem of the DPRK.
The people all at once paid high tribute to the national flag of the DPRK which clearly reflects the course of the heroic struggle of Juche Korea demonstrating its might as the country independent in politics, self-supporting in economy and self-reliant in defense and the national flag representing the dignity, life and rosy future of all the Korean people.Gorgeous fireworks were displayed one after another to celebrate the New Year with the flag of the DPRK fluttering in the nocturnal sky of the capital city symbolizing the glory of the prosperous country and the eternal happiness of the people.