Torchlight procession of the young vanguards held in DPRKA torchlight procession of the young vanguards titled “Forward, Patriotic Young People, for Our Great State!” took place atSquare, Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on the night of September 8 to celebrate the 75th birthday of the DPRK. Kim Il Sung Amid the playing of the song “Youth and Courage” the columns of torchlight entered the square.When the start of the torchlight procession was declared, the figures of the DPRK flag and the sun were displayed one after another with torchlight formation amid the playing of the song “The Glorious Motherland”.The audience applauded enthusiastically to the wonderful scene of fire with letters and figures symbolizing the society seething with the infinite might of the young people, healthy in thought and mind and united, and vigorous looks of the DPRK vibrating with youth.After the torchlight procession, circle dance of celebration began amid the overflowing enthusiasm of the youth.