2011-2014년 주요활동개요
Outlook of major activities in 2011-2014
1) 사회복리활동 Social welfare

The KRCF raises fund to carry on with social welfare assistance in close contact with different authorities including the Ministry of Public Health and the Education Commission while seeking strengthened partnership with foreign organizations, institutions and individuals. The implementation of relevant projects of the KRCF contributes to improved health and living conditions of such needy people as orphans, pregnant women and nursing mothers, children, elderly people and victims of natural disasters.
Since 2012, the KRCF has been implementing projects for helping children at baby homes, orphanages, orphans’primary and middle schools in North and South Hwanghae provinces, North and South Phyongan provinces, South Hamgyong Province and Pyongyang.

Among others, orphanages in Sariwon and Kaesong, North Hwanghae Province and Haeju, South Hwanghae Province, have been provided with a variety of materials needed for nursing-milk powder, nutritious foodstuff, clothes, coal, kitchenware, materials for washing and building repairs-which brought substantial contribution to the betterment of the living and health conditions of more than 2 500 orphans.
또한 남새온실과 함께 육아원부업지들에 필요되는 얼마간의 우량품종의 강냉이와 남새종자들도 보내주어 알곡수확고를 높이고 남새를 통한 비타민보충에도 일정한 도움을 주었다.
In addition, some corn and vegetable seeds of high productivity have been supplied together with vegetable greenhouses to orphanages’farms, thereby contributing to increased harvest and intake of vitamins.

Based on assessment of the needs at provincial maternity and children’s hospitals and in consultation with directors of the hospitals and officials of the Ministry of Public Health, the KRCF proceeds with project planning to supply basic medical instruments, equipment, medicines, consumables and other essentials along with nutritional stuff for patients.
In 2012, the KRCF chose the Kaesong Maternity Hospital as a pilot target and helped the in-patients get well by building a vegetable greenhouse there and supplying nutritious foodstuff.

“Having proper medical instruments, facilities, medicines and nutrients is crucial to reducing the mortality rate among children and mothers. It is particularly important in order to snatch women in labour and new-born babies from jaws of death. Children under five should be looked after well for their nutritional needs.”
2014년 개성시산원의 치료조건을 개선하기 위한 사업의 일환으로 산대와 기능침대,이불,백포 등 의료소모품과 의약품들을 공급하였으며 물뽐프와 변압기를 보장해주어 전기와 물문제를 비롯한 병원운영사업에도 일정하게 이바지하였다.
In 2014, the KRCF supplied medicines and medical consumables including gynecological bed, functional beds, quilts and bed sheets for the improved treatment condition of the Kaesong Maternity Hospital and also contributed to the enhanced operation capacity of the hospital in terms of power and water supply by giving a transformer and water pump.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Labour, the Korea Education Fund and the Korea Federation for the Protection of the Disabled, the KRCF is also planning projects for helping needier people including children, the elderly, the disabled and those suffering from congenital diseases.

기금은 또한 지속적인 자금원천을 마련하기 위하여 각이한 단체,기업체, 개인들이 투자와 신용업무의 위탁 등 기금을 통한 국내의 해당 기관들과의 신용관계를 구축하고 인도주의목적에 부합되는 기금의 수입확보활동을 협력하는것을 적극 장려하고있다.
The KRCF also encourages different organizations, enterprises and individuals to join its activities to obtain income for humanitarian purpose by helping to build partnership and trusteeship with relevant domestic institutions for investment, credit-offering activities and the like.

"Protecting people’s lives and properties from various disasters and diseases is an intrinsic Red Cross activities. We in the KRCF will systematically increase the efficiency of our humanitarian work by bolstering cooperation with donors and different partners. This will help improve our profile. We are fully determined to continue to work in a responsible manner to relieve as many people’s sufferings as we can. I would like to thank all the people who are making sincere contribution to our endeavour to improve the situation of those in need." (Choi Jung Gang, President of the KRCF)