사명 Mission
각종 자연재해시 인민들의 생명과 재산을 보호하고 피해자들의 생활을 안정시키기 위한 조선민주주의인민공화국 적십자회의 활동을 재정적으로 지원하며 독자적인 인도주의적기증활동으로 사람들의 고통과 불행을 덜어주고 건강과 복리를 증진시키는것.
The KRCF is committed to giving financial support to the DPRK Red Cross Society in protecting people’s lives and properties from various natural disasters and stabilizing the victims’life and to alleviating human sufferings and misfortunes while promoting their health and welfare through independent humanitarian activities of donation.
The KRCF is committed to giving financial support to the DPRK Red Cross Society in protecting people’s lives and properties from various natural disasters and stabilizing the victims’life and to alleviating human sufferings and misfortunes while promoting their health and welfare through independent humanitarian activities of donation.