임무 Engagement
1. 육아원, 애육원, 산원, 소아병원, 양로원 등 사회적방조를 요구하는 대상들의 보육과 건강증진, 생활환경개선을 위한 인도주의협조 및 개발지원을 장려하고 실현시킨다.
The KRCF is engaged in: encouraging and rendering cooperation and assistance for humanitarian development for the purpose of improving nursing, health and living conditions of those in need for social help including orphanages, maternitty and children’s hospitals, elderly nursing home.
The KRCF is engaged in: encouraging and rendering cooperation and assistance for humanitarian development for the purpose of improving nursing, health and living conditions of those in need for social help including orphanages, maternitty and children’s hospitals, elderly nursing home.
2. 불의에 재난을 당한 사람들을 구호하는데 필요한 긴급구호자금과 물자를 마련한다.
Securing emergency relief fund and materials with an aim to rescue people affected by sudden disasters.
Securing emergency relief fund and materials with an aim to rescue people affected by sudden disasters.
3. 국내외 기업체들의 사회적책임감을 장려하고 그들로부터 기부와 투자를 통하여 주민들의 생활안정을 보장하며 주민지대들에서의 지속적발전능력을 높이는 사업을 추동한다.
Stimulating the sense of social responsibility of different enterprises at home and abroad to solicit their donation and investment for stabilization of people’s life and the building up of communities’capacity of sustainable development.
Stimulating the sense of social responsibility of different enterprises at home and abroad to solicit their donation and investment for stabilization of people’s life and the building up of communities’capacity of sustainable development.
4. 국내외에서 인도주의사명에 부합되는 여러가지 신용업무를 통하여 각종 재해에 대처하며 인민들의 복리증진에 이바지할수 있는 자금과 물자를 확보하기 위한 활동을 진행한다.
Conducting both at home and abroad various credit-offering activities in conformity with the humanitarian mission in order to increase collection of fund and materials needed to control various disasters and contribute to the improved people’s welfare.
Conducting both at home and abroad various credit-offering activities in conformity with the humanitarian mission in order to increase collection of fund and materials needed to control various disasters and contribute to the improved people’s welfare.
5. 국내외에서 국제적십자운동,국제기구,자선단체,기업체,각이한 기금들과 개별적인 인사들과의 련대와 협조를 강화하여 인민들간의 호상리해와 친선을 도모하며 이를 통하여 세계의 평화유지에 기여한다.
Promoting mutual understanding and friendship among nations by strengthening solidarity and cooperation with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, international organizations, charities, businesses, different foundations and individual people, thus contributing to world peace.
Promoting mutual understanding and friendship among nations by strengthening solidarity and cooperation with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, international organizations, charities, businesses, different foundations and individual people, thus contributing to world peace.