조선적십자기금의 재정원천과 운영원칙
Financial source and operational principle of the KRCF
1) 재정원천 Financial source
조선적십자기금은 국가보조금, 사회적기부금, 각국의 적십자단체들과 국제기구, 기업체,기금, 개별적인사들의 기부금을 사업기금으로 조성한다.
The KRCF raises its working fund from the state subsidy, social contribution, and donation from different national Red Cross societies, international organizations, businesses, foundations and individual people.
The KRCF raises its working fund from the state subsidy, social contribution, and donation from different national Red Cross societies, international organizations, businesses, foundations and individual people.
기금의 자금원천에는 현금과 현물, 각종 채권과 설비, 부동산 등이 포함된다.
The financial resource of the KRCF consists of cash, income in kind, different bonds, equipments, real estates, etc.
The financial resource of the KRCF consists of cash, income in kind, different bonds, equipments, real estates, etc.
기금은 국내외기업들이 투자를 비롯한 경제활동에 참가하도록 방조하며 이를 통한 기업체들의 사회적책임인 기업기부를 장려한다.
The KRCF motivates social responsibility and encourages donation by facilitating domestic and foreign businesses’engagement in such economic activities as investment.
The KRCF motivates social responsibility and encourages donation by facilitating domestic and foreign businesses’engagement in such economic activities as investment.
조선적십자기금에 기부하는 자금의 한도는 정해지지 않으며 자금외에 물자 또는 설비와 기술을 비롯한 우리 나라에서 들여오게 되여있는 항목에 한하여 제정할수 있고 국가에서 제한하는 금지품이나 밀수품은 기부금으로 받지 않는다.
The amount of fund to be contributed to the KRCF is unlimited. Other types of donations are accepted such as materials, equipment and technologies that are allowed to bring into the DPRK whereas state-prohibited or smuggled goods are to be rejected.
The amount of fund to be contributed to the KRCF is unlimited. Other types of donations are accepted such as materials, equipment and technologies that are allowed to bring into the DPRK whereas state-prohibited or smuggled goods are to be rejected.
2) 운영원칙 Operational principle
기금은 인도주의활동과 관련된 여러가지 명목의 기금과 함께 경영을 위한 양성기금, 문화후생기금, 상금기금과 같은 필요한 기금을 적립하고 자체계획에 따라 쓸수 있다.
The KRCF prepares funds for various humanitarian purposes, and reserves funds for training, well-being and bonus necessary for its administration and uses them according to its plan.
The KRCF prepares funds for various humanitarian purposes, and reserves funds for training, well-being and bonus necessary for its administration and uses them according to its plan.
기금은 기부자들에게 기부금증서를 수여하고 특출한 공헌을 한 기업과 단체, 개인에게 해당한 혜택(투자, 무역 등 사업방조)이 차례지도록 한다.
The KRCF gives a donation certificate to donors and ensures that relevant benefit such as facility for investment, trade and the like is given to those businesses, organizations and individuals for their distinguished contribution.
The KRCF gives a donation certificate to donors and ensures that relevant benefit such as facility for investment, trade and the like is given to those businesses, organizations and individuals for their distinguished contribution.
기금의 총자금원천의 70%는 인도주의적사업에 30%는 기금의 운영에 리용한다.
A total of 70 per cent of financial resource of the KRCF is to be used for humanitarian service and the remaining 30 per cent for its administration.
A total of 70 per cent of financial resource of the KRCF is to be used for humanitarian service and the remaining 30 per cent for its administration.
국가가 지정하는 기관으로부터 년 1차 회계검사를 받으며 기부자들의 요구에 따라 기부금리용정형을 통지한다.
The KRCF is to be audited by a state-nominated auditing office once a year and provide the donors with required reports.
The KRCF is to be audited by a state-nominated auditing office once a year and provide the donors with required reports.